Update Released – [155th update]
I’m very pleased to announce to you that we have just released an update that closes 24 tickets. Below you can find the information about the issues resolved in this update. Improvements: Performance improvement — Meta Value Queries #3392 Improvements: h1 tag on the… Update Released – [150th update]
I’m very pleased to announce to you that we have just released an update that closes 32 tickets. Below you can find the information about the issues resolved in this update. Improvements: WP Recipe Maker & WP Recipe Maker PRO Schema compatibility added #3043… Update Released – [144th update]
In update we have addressed the following issues. Features Added: Added: Gutenberg Compatibility integrated #2427 Added: Gallery Designs for Gutenberg Gallery #2868 Added: Gutenburg column support in AMP #2847 Added: Addthis Sharing option UX re-structured #3114 Added: Photo Gallery plugin compatibility integrated #1811… Update Released – [140th update]
In update we have addressed the following issues. Features Added: Added: New Icon of Telegram in all the Designs #2448 Added: Swift icon and Font awesome icon option added in Design’s global section [Swift theme] #2992 Added: Category option added in Design’s single… Update Released – [138th update]
In update we have addressed the following issues. Features Added: Added: Meta generator #2543 Added: Bridge Qode SEO Compatibility integrated #2538 Added: Lazy Load of Smush and Smush Pro plugin Compatibility integrated #2990 Issues Fixed: Fixed: Validation errors occur when WordPress Comments Option… “Addon Mode” Update Released – [137th update]
In this update, we have added a new feature called “Addon Mode“. Which means that we now will be able to use the AMPforWP with the AMP by Automattic as well. Our aim is to provide important features to a wider audience and most…
AMP WooCommerce Pro Updated to Version 1.8.13
We are very pleased to announce that we have released an update to our AMP WooCommerce Pro. How can I download the new update? You will receive an automatic update on your WordPress dashboard. Please go to Plugin section on your WordPress site and update… Update Released – [136th update]
In update we have addressed the following issues. Features Added: Added: WP Subtitle compatibility integrated #2831 Added: New filter in page builder for Enable/disabled check #2998 Added: Additional Page Builder compatibility added #2643 Issues Fixed: Fixed: The tag ‘p’ is disallowed & auto…
AMP CTA Updated to Version 1.9.2
We are very pleased to announce that we have released an update to our AMP CTA. How can I download the new update? You will receive an automatic update on your WordPress dashboard. Please go to Plugin section on your WordPress site and update it…. Update Released – [135th update]
In update we have addressed the following issues. Features Added: Added: SeoPress compatibility integrated #1589 Added: WP Appbox compatibility integrated #2791 Added: Infinite Scroll feature integrated. #2682 Added: Facebook like button added in Sticky Social Share #2186 Added: Font family for Content in…