In update we have addressed the following issues.
Features Added:
- Added: Meta generator #2543
- Added: Bridge Qode SEO Compatibility integrated #2538
- Added: Lazy Load of Smush and Smush Pro plugin Compatibility integrated #2990
Issues Fixed:
- Fixed: Validation errors occur when WordPress Comments Option is enabled #2989
- Fixed: Home page displays latest posts instead of the custom page when enfold theme activate #2943
- Fixed: API URL conflict with Mobile redirection #2917
- Fixed: Instant Article fatal error #2968
- Fixed: Undefined index FB-instant-page-id PHP notice #2570
- Fixed: All media queries load in single media query only code updated #2711
- Fixed: Instant Article feed code updated #3018
- Fixed: Space after the “data:image/png” part of the base64 encoded CSS background image #2974
- Fixed: GDPR consent is not working on ios #2876
- Fixed: PHP Errors in latest v0. after activation on fresh WP installation #3028
- Fixed: Issue with mobile redirection with non-amp link #3021
- Fixed: Cntr class automatically removed after activating Elementor plugin in swift theme #3025
- Fixed: Javascript Console errors after the v0.9.97.47 update #3079
Please do let us know your feedback.
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