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We Help News Publishers & Bloggers
Get The Most Juice Out of their Fruits.

by improving Traffic, User Experience, Speed, AD Revenues, Engagement, Technical SEO and, most importantly, user attention between 10% – 30%.

Over the last decade, We have created a successful WordPress product businesses off the scale. Our unique experiences, hustle and creativity gives us the edge.

First venture at the age of 10

I started my first business when I was 10 years old. I bought the inventory and sold it at a 100% profit. I had a partner who owned 50% of the venture; he remains my partner today.

Started Freelancing at the age of 18 in 2008

It was the time when Internet was going through a very interesting phase. That was when I discovered WordPress and it immediately became my default choice.

Started my first online business at the age of 20 in 2010

I started a premium WordPress theme company called Magazine3, which made themes for News & media publishers, online magazines & bloggers. This WordPress product business went from ZERO to having 16,000 customers in 140 countries world-wide.

Started working with Big fishes of News Media industry under NDA at the age of 22 in 2012

I then went on to start providing services to large news publishers where I offered performance services, meaning I help them get the most juice out of their fruits.

This was my first step to the enterprise market, where my service offerings revolve around 5 primary areas:

  1. Website Performance and Speed Optimization – for Faster User Expertise
  2. Strategic AD placement A/B testing and Optimization to help them get the most out of the campaigns. – for Better Revenues
  3. Bounce Rate Improvements – for Better Engagement
  4. Technical Search engine optimization – to help them scale up (This is not the SEO that you are thinking)
  5. Mobile Specific Optimizations – Because that’s the primary traffic and attention.

My experience with big media companies has been very interesting, I realized how serious and insecure they are about their market competitors and there, I realized the power of open source as well.

Bought my first Real Estate property at the age of 23 in 2013

Twenty-thirteen was the year of ups and downs, but I managed to finally bought my first real estate property and invested into the stock market along with my same business partner.

Short break, lost 16 kg Weight & the Return in 2014

I thought I needed a short break from the chaos of ’13. I then decided to fix my health and lost 16+ kgs without hiring any trainer or going to gym and been eating clean ever since.

Made my first Million dollars at the age of 25

Work had become such a part of my habit that I didn’t even realised I had crossed this milestone. This might be a big deal for people but it felt like everyday at work. I was more focused on my achieving goals and challenges.

Decided to Give back to WP community

I then realized how much WordPress has given me so I decided to give back to the community by creating an opensource theme project called, Skin at – It got great reviews from the community and still even to this day, people are happily using it.

Started working on Google AMP the next day they announced.

I remember the day after Google announced AMP, one of our big media client needed AMP integrated to their website so we were doing that and realised that we need to build a solution for this, so we did and but then we decided to make it opensource it that’s how the AMPforWP plugin was born on February 2016.

Scaled to 10,000 Active users in less than 5 months

AMPforWP had started off as an experiment started getting traction, but then we only updated it twice in the first 6 months. We finally decided to take the charge of the AMPforWP in August and scaled it to 10,000 active plugin users in just 5 months in Dec 2016. This was also a major milestone because it was our first plugin business and this time my same business partner was also leading the technical department and we have been able to come this far only because of his tech advancements.

2017 and The Journey Continues…

Because of our expertise and background experience of working with publishers and bloggers, we decided to focus on AMPforWP plugin now on the product front and working with selected premium clients on the services side.

About Me

Mohammed Kaludi

After my first venture with Ahmed, I started my first real business I was 17, it was an offline business and working ever since.

My first online venture came when I and my brother started Magazine3 in December 2010 (we had few blogs and many other things but I will not call them “ventures”). At Magazine3, we create beautiful premium themes which now serves thousands of customers worldwide. I been working with WordPress for more than 5 years now.

Being a Tech person, I’m learning every day to improve my coding knowledge. I’m a sports addict, I can watch any sports, but I love cricket and football, I follow them very closely.

Ahmed Kaludi

Chief Executive Officer

Mohammed Kaludi

Chief Technical Officer

MD Wasim Akhtar

Senior Developer

Sanjeev Kumar

Senior Developer

Akshay Wali

Software Developer

Muslim Ahmed

Software Developer



So, You want to Get In Touch?

Please understand that I receive hundreds of emails every week but I read each and every email and try my best to reply them, but sometimes, there’s just not enough time. But, sooner or later, I try to get back to all of them.

Please select the right Topic while contacting.
