Month: June 2017
AMP WooCommerce 0.4 Update Released
If you are using AMP WooCommerce then we’ve got a good news for you. We have just released a new update with several bug fixes and improvements. If you are using that plugin, then I recommend you to update it ASAP. Here is the…
0.9.53 Released – Stability & Validation Issues [59th Update]
It’s always a joy to announce a release that is ready to be shipped on schedule. We had some internal confusions over the 0.9.52, so we decided to skip the version and bumped it to 0.9.53. I’m personally very happy with this update, we…
Announcing Contact Form 7 Extension for AMP
We are always working hard, trying to listen to users and their feedback. We then try our best to solve those problems with extensions and core updates. Today, I’m proud to announce a seamless and out of the box “Contact Form 7 Integration for AMP“. It makes…
0.9.51 Released – Page Builder Released in AMP [58th Update]
Hey there! It gives me an immense pleasure to announce this update because I think we have been able to deliver much of what we have been planning. We were able to include one of the most important features ‘Page Builder’ in this update. Not…