In update we have addressed the following issues.
Features Added:
- Added: New Icon of Telegram in all the Designs #2448
- Added: Swift icon and Font awesome icon option added in Design’s global section [Swift theme] #2992
- Added: Category option added in Design’s single section [Swift theme] #2551
- Added: Yoast author twitter handle compatibility integrated #2133
- Added: New function ampforwp_get_the_ID() created #2867
Issues Fixed:
- Fixed: Facebook comment and Like option gives an error when the bbPress plugin is enabled #3006
- Fixed: When Gutenberg active left sidebar is not visible in page builder modules #2934
- Fixed: AMP preview functionality showing blank in the preview mode #3029
- Fixed: Image floats CSS improved in mobile mode #2525
- Fixed: Related Posts Randomly in Swift theme #2308
- Fixed: Pricing module content is not center in page builder #2921
- Fixed: Background image of the page builder is zooming in IOS devices when the parallax effect is enabled #2844
- Fixed: Footnotes compatibility code updated #2982
- Fixed: Iframe is not loading when Convert AMP to WP theme (Beta) option is enabled [Swift theme] #2628
- Fixed: PHP Warning Undefined variable #3103
Please do let us know your feedback.
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