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  3. What is Custom AMP Editor and How to use it?

What is Custom AMP Editor and How to use it?

Custom AMP Editor lets you control the output of the content on AMP. It helps you to customize a page/post according to your requirement to display on the AMP version.

If you want to use Custom AMP Editor, then first tick on ” Use this Content as AMP Content “. If you Don’t tick that, Custom AMP Editor will not work on that page/post.

You can find this option below your post editor or page editor. See this image:

Custom AMP editor

That’s it for this tutorial!

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Updated on August 30, 2019

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    1. Will using the custom amp editor improve your SEO Rating in google?

      1. Hi enzo,

        Will you please tell us which SEO plugin you are using

          1. Hi enzo,

            Will you please elaborate more about your issue so that we will understand and help you.

            1. In AMP Editor, in wordpress there is an option in the wordpress editor to write a custom AMP version of your site. Is this neccessary or if this is left blank will the website automatically generate an amp version if you have Accelerated Mobile Pages Plugin installed.

    2. Hello,
      I’m using Easy Social Share Button plugin. It has a click-to-tweet function, but in the AMP version it’s not working. I’ve tried using the AMP custom editor, but it doesn’t work either. Any suggestions?

    3. If I use custom amp Editor then will it going to support yoast seo as my desktop and laptop view will be non amp version i.e from theme page builder whereas mobile and tablet view will be amp version i.e from custom amp editor

      1. Hi Nemish Shah,

        Only the content will change in AMP with custom amp editor but all the remaining functionalities will be the same and if you have any issues/problems then please let us know.

        1. I ma using Elementor and Gutenberg but that their custom editor doesn’t showing content what I want to show. They continuously showing only Elementor or Gutenberg format and content only.

    4. Hello everybody. I can´t see the AMP Editor option below my page/post editor.
      Mi web es gestrafic[punto]com.

      Muchas gracias.

    5. How can i disable that?
      I see when i activate the plugin, my posts get slower.
      I just want do use the AMP, but don’t have any extra option inside posts, so it’ll speed up again my website.

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