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How to solve 50KB CSS Limit validation issue in AMP

If you are facing this error The author stylesheet specified in tag ‘style amp-custom’ is too long then follow these two steps to fix it:

  1. Minify
  2. Optimize CSS

1. Minify

  • You will find this option in WordPress dashboard -> Navigate to AMP option panel -> Settings -> Performance -> Enable Minify option.
  • Minify: Minify is the process by which unnecessary space or characters are removed from the code. These spaces and characters are not necessary to run the code and hence just add size to the file. When they are removed, the files become lighter which in turn improves the page loading time. Minify is a great strategy to improve meet visitor’s expectations and rank better.

2. Optimize CSS

  • You will find this option in the WordPress Dashboard -> AMP option panel -> Settings -> Performance -> Enable “Optimize CSS(beta)” option and then click on the “Save Changes” button.
  • Optimize CSS(beta): Once you enable this option it will remove unused CSS and reduces the size of the CSS.
  • Want to clear the Cache?: Just click this option and hit save and it will automatically clear the Cache.
  • If you want to check how much CSS is optimized then you need to enable “Dev Mode in AMP‘ option. You will find this option in the WordPress Dashboard -> AMP option panel -> Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Enable “Dev Mode in AMP ” option.

Note: Once you check the optimization then make sure you disable the ” Dev Mode in AMP ” option.

That’s it for this tutorial!

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Updated on February 10, 2020

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    1. Hi,
      I have a custom amp theme, I have activated the minimization of the code in the plugin settings but on the Home page it is not minimizing … what should I do?
      This is my configuration:
      This is the home KO code:
      This is the code for an OK inner page:

      It is very important to fix this since the home is not passing Google verification and I need it to pass.:

      I want to minimize Home page…that’s would solve it, but i dont know how…

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