If you want to remove Powered by AMPforWP from Footer then follow these steps.
Before it will appear like this:
1. First, go to WordPress admin area -> AMP Option panel -> Design Section -> Footer.
2. Credit link: If you don’t want Powered by AMPFORWP in footer then disable credit link option and it will be removed.
Kindly refer to the below screenshot
3. After that click on the save changes button.
After it will appear like this:
That’s it for this tutorial!
We hope it helped you. If you have any feedback or questions, then please share them in the comments section below.
Hi, my theme has a responsive website but I am not happy with the customization so am trying to use your plugin only for my mobile website, but it doesn’t seem to be overriding the theme one. Is it possible to do this without affecting the desktop theme?
Hi Saleha,
Will you please contact our technical team from here- https://ampforwp.com/support/ they will help you as soon as possible.