The progress that is taking place with browsing platforms regarding speed and smooth functioning has been immense. Despite a lot of achievements, the vast number of websites still do not provide better browsing experiences. All bloggers know if they want their site to appear in Search Engine results, Websites should be the user, mobile friendly and fast in loading pages. To overcome all these problems Google came up with a new project, Nowadays you might have a hearing lot about Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). AMP is the open source project from Google. It is designed to take mobile user experience to the next level.
Few Key factors need to be considered Why Blogger or Webmaster should be using Accelerated Mobile Pages:
Bounce Rate:
It is found in a survey that 40% of the users leave the page before it is loaded because of the time factor. This is a problem at stake to be solved for the benefit of both users and web publishers and owners. All Bloggers know, the main reason for bounce rate is slowly loading web pages and Non-Mobile friendly pages. That’s why bloggers need Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), Users will see instant loading web pages because it is the streamlined version of CSS. So there will be less chance of visitors getting away from your website and chance of better ranking in google.
Search Engine Ranking:
Although AMP is not a search engine ranking factor. However, all know that mobile friendly, Page load time is the major ranking factors. By enabling AMP, your blog posts and pages will load 4x faster than non-AMP pages. Amp pages are mobile friendliness. Thus your blog will have good reason to rank better in mobile search engine results. Google SERP displays the AMP enabled articles with visually dominating thumbnails which include large images. AMP is rewarded higher in ranking and then slow non-mobile friendly pages.
The tough spot now for web developers is to decide between the user satisfaction and monetization. Many websites are slow because they are loaded up with ad technology. As Google AMP does not allow manually entered javascript but there are some loopholes allow bloggers to display ads in AMP pages. As AMP is designed with AD monetization kept in mind. It loads the ads after loading the content, so ads will never slow down the loading time. This will help publishers to grow their revenue and traffic without affecting user experience.
In today’s Blogging world publishing and understanding the audience is a heart to right articles and creating the royal readers. There should be KEY to understanding the behaviour of the audience. So, AMP includes an amp-analytics element that allows publishers to track and view the behaviour of visitors on the website. The publisher can automatically track visitor counts, Clicks, New Vs Returning and much more on AMP pages.
Five quick Points about Why your Website Need AMP.
- Essential for good mobile SEO.
- Will reduce your bounce rate.
- Makes Pages load faster.
- Most Recommended by Google, Loved by Google.
- Designed to be heavily cached.
Google is regularly rolling out new features and updates for AMP pages. If your Site is not AMP-activated then might have seen this following notification in Google Search Console.
Google has detected that your site has many pages that may benefit from being served as AMP pages. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) are HTML pages that are optimized to load fast on mobile devices. Learn more about AMP benefits in the resources below. Valid AMP pages on your site will be eligible to be shown in search results and receive special badging in search results.
Google indirectly says, It wants you to use Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).
Get AMP ready now:
Thinking of implementing Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to your website. Then you just two steps away, Go through the below links for Activating AMP on your Blog
• Step-By-Step Guide to Implementing AMP on Your Website
• Step-By-Step Guide for How to Insert ADS between post content in AMP
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Your Plugin is very great and the first plugin to support the ads. Wow! Simply amazing!
Hey Yogesh,
Thanks! We are glad to hear that.
If you like the plugin, then please support us by leaving a feedback at
I will really appreciate that!
I was scare about income from adsense, but your plugin give good solution for it, thx!