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Tag: AMPforWP

How to modify AMP plugin and make it update proof

In this blog post, I will cover how to modify AMP plugin (AMPforWP plugin) and preserve those changes and make it update proof. We will create a custom plugin and extend the functionality of AMPforWP. Our Goal: Create an Extension In this example, we…


Why Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is must for every Website

The progress that is taking place with browsing platforms regarding speed and smooth functioning has been immense. Despite a lot of achievements, the vast number of websites still do not provide better browsing experiences. All bloggers know if they want their site to appear…


Step-By-Step Guide for How to Insert ADS between post content in AMP

There is no need to mention why Adsense in important in websites. In the previous post, we have discussed on How to Activate AMP on WordPress site, Google Analytic for AMP and Customizing AMP, Many bloggers asking for How to add advertisements in the middle of the content…