In Our Core Plugin, we are providing six slots of Ads but if you want more slots then you need to install our Ads for WP plugin for this you need to click on the “Upgrade for Free” button.

Once you click on the “Upgrade for free” button the Ads for WP plugin will be installed on your website.
If you want to add Ads Inbetween loop then first you need to purchase and install Advance AMP Ads plugin.
1. First go to WordPress Admin Area ->AMP option panel -> Advance AMP ADS

Scroll down a little to see this option

2. Ads Inbetween Loop: Enable this option. (Works only with 0.9.68 or higher version of ampforwp plugin)
3. After How many posts?: In this field, you need to enter a number after how many posts you need the ads.
4. Advertisement Type: In this option, you need to select the Advertisement type. In this option, we have 3 Advertisement type.
1. Adsense
If you select Adsense option from Advertisement type below the option will appear like below the screenshot.

- Responsive Ad unit: If you enable this option ads will be automatically adjusted on any device.
- Width: In this field enter the width of Ads
- Height: In this field enter the height of Ads
- Data AD Client: In this field, you need to enter the ca-pub ID from Adsense Account
- Data AD Slot: In this field, you need to enter the Data Ad Slot ID from Adsense Account
- Click on the “Save changes” button.
2. DoubleClick
If you select DoubleClick option from Advertisement type below the option will appear like below the screenshot.

- Width: In this field enter the width of Ads
- Height: In this field enter the height of Ads
- Data Slot: In this field, you need to enter Data Slot ID from DoubleClick Account.
- Click on the “Save changes” button.
3. Custom Advertisement
If you select the Custom Advertisement option from Advertisement type below the option will appear like below the screenshot.

- Advertisement Code: In this field, you can add your custom Advertisement code for any third party companies who provide AMP compatible code or you can also add images.
- Click on the “Save changes” button.
That’s it for this tutorial!
We hope it helped you. If you have any feedback or questions, then please share them in the comments section below.