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  3. How to Fix 404 on AMP pages after deactivating the AMP plugin

How to Fix 404 on AMP pages after deactivating the AMP plugin

How can you fix the 404 / page not found errors when you deactivate the AMP plugin.

Step 1: Download the free plugin called Redirection By John Godley

Step 2: After Activating go to WordPress Dashboard -> Tools -> Redirection and Setup new redirection.

To setup new redirection, we need to setup 2 things Source URL and Target URL
So in the source URL paste this regex code.  /(.*)\/amp
This code will make sure all your post URL ending with /AMP are taken as Source URL and will be redirected.

In the target, URL paste this$1 and make sure you enable the checkbox “Regular Expression”.

Your redirection should look like this.

Step 3: Hit Add Redirection and test it.
I suggest you to please check multiple amp pages and make sure they are working as expected.

I hope this will help you handling 404 pages generated after deactivating the AMP plugin, and I’m sure after some time Google will update its data in search console and /amp pages will be deindexed slowly.

That’s it for this tutorial!

We hope it helped you. If you have any feedback or questions, then please share them in the comments section below.

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Updated on July 23, 2019

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    1. The input form Redirection URL now different

      What does this mean?

      To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use ^ to anchor it to the start of the URL. For example: ^/(.*)\/amp

      1. Hi Erdiawan,

        Could you let us know where exactly you found this “the input form Redirection URL now different” message?

    2. What option to select in the ‘query parameters’ while adding a new redirection?

      1. Hi Hina Gujral,

        No need to add anything in the query parameter once you select the “Regex” option “query parameters” option automatically will disappear

    3. Thank you sir
      But it didn’t work for me.
      I still get the 404 error

    4. Hi,

      Thanks for this, it worked as far as redirecting the amp urls but the browser then throws a warning the page is no longer secure after the redirect. Any suggestions?

      1. HI Bob,

        Will you please provide us exact URL where you are having an error so that we can check and get back to you.

    5. Hi,

      I hope you can help me. I made the mistake of installing the AMP plugin. I uninstalled it and my site is okay IF you type in the url. However, if you search for ragamuffin kittens, the Home page is an AMP page with a 404 error. Can you please, please help me? This club had a really good ranking before this. Thank you.


    6. Hello,
      I want to stop amp on my site “”.
      I deleted the ampforwp plugin and reconfigured the structured data but on mobile I am directed to the page “non amp view” of the ampforwp plugin which is empty.
      Even with a redirect it doesn’t work.
      If you could inform me.
      thank you in advance

    7. Hello,

      I have page which have /?amp AMP format. So this regex code /(.*)\/amp is not working for me.
      Any solution for /?amp AMP format?

      Thank you!

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