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  3. Alternate page with proper canonical tag warning

Alternate page with proper canonical tag warning

Please don’t worry it’s not an issue it’s just a notice from Google as the main pages get indexed and google bot found the two URLs of the same canonical that’s the reason one page gets index and one page get excluded.

So I recommend you to please ignore this notice.

That’s it for this tutorial!

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Updated on May 8, 2019

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    1. Hello sir tell me this issue need to fix or automatically will be resolved?

      1. Hi zeeshan,

        It’s just a warning no need to worry will you please provide us the URL of your website so we will check from where you are getting issues and help you.

    2. hey i also have a same issues and it got exceeded to 15.2k , i think it is serious , and wanted to know how can be this resolved

      1. Hi Pcadda 08,

        Will you please provide us exact URL where you are having an error so that we can check and get back to you.

    3. Hallo… Thank you for sharing.. I have some issue too for almost all of my website including wordpress website and non wordpress website.

      This is the wordpress website:
      for this one seems like there is a conflict coding because of the plugins. But I have too wait for google to crawl my website back.

      The other website is This one I don’t have any Idea how to solve it now since this one is not wordpress website. My problem with this website is waiting for google to crawl after fixing the issue, but then after waiting for a long time, the problem become bigger and bigger with so many Alternate page with proper canonical tag error.

      The same issue with my root domain This one is even scary than other website above

      Any of you can help me with this? I want my website without error.


    4. Hola, Mi sitio WEB da error en La etiqueta “link rel=canonical” aparece más de una vez en el documento., desde un día al otro al actualizar el plugin, por lo tanto tengo todo el contenido AMP: “La versión AMP enlazada no es válida No aparecerá en los resultados de la Búsqueda de Google. Más información”

      De repente mis publicaciones no aparecen en búsquedas de dispositivos móviles, y no se que hacer, si desinstalar amp, que no es mi elección, espero que al actualizar el plugin sea algo que haya que cambiar.

      Que puede estar pasando? ya que anteriormente pasaba todo en verde, aceptada por google tools!
      Sitio web:

    5. I also get the same issue my amp pages are getting excluded.

      1. Hi Jaydeep Dahiwal,

        Will you please elaborate more about your issue so that we will understand and help you.

    6. my amp pages are excluded because of alternative canonical tag can it appear in mobile search results

      1. Hi Jaydeep Dahiwal,

        Will you please elaborate more about your issue so that we will understand and help you.

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