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  3. Polylang
  4. How to add Polylang in AMP

How to add Polylang in AMP

You can integrate Polylang Compatibility in AMP with the help of an extension called Polylang Integration with AMP

It’s pretty easy for you to setup because it works out of the box.

Here are the steps:

  1. Download and Install from the accounts area.
  2. Upload and Activate
  3. Done! The multi-lingual sites will be visible on the AMP version of your site.

NOTE: This extension requires Polylang, which is a free and an open source plugin.

That’s it for this tutorial!

We hope it helped you. If you have any feedback or questions, then please share them in the comments section below.

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Updated on June 20, 2019

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    1. I have installed and activated plugin but it is not showing for home page. Can you please let me know what is the issue.

      1. Hi Divya,

        Could you please tell us how you are creating Homepage and if you have any issue/problem then contact our support team –
        they will help you as soon as possible.

    2. why is not working for secondary language?
      for my website is
      If I want to open the English version of the website i.e.
      it looks very bad
      How can I solve this issue

    3. why is not working for secondary language?
      for my website is
      If I want to open the English version of the website i.e.
      it looks very bad
      How can I solve this issue?
      please answer this fast

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