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How to add Facebook Chat in AMP

Facebook Chat which allows you to put Facebook page chat on AMP so that visitors can chat with you via your Facebook page inbox. This is an easy way to offer support, turns visitors into your customers and chat with them anytime, anywhere on your phone.

If you want to add Facebook Chat in AMP then first you need to purchase and install Facebook Chat Compatibility for AMP plugin.

Follow these simple steps:

  • You will find this option in the WordPress Dashboard -> Navigate to AMP Option Panel -> AMP Facebook Chat -> Settings -> Enable “Pop up Messages” option like below the screenshot.
  • Pop-up Message: Once you enable this option Pop-up Message display on Page load.
  • Facebook Page: In this field enter your Facebook Page name, for example, my Facebook page name is “facebookpagename” then you need to add this page name. Do not add a URL like this –
  • Page Logo: Upload a Facebook Page logo for the Facebook chat for AMP
  • Greeting Message: Enter the Text to display the Welcome Message on Chat.


  • Delay Pop-up in Secs: Enable this option to delay popup
  • Delay in Seconds: You can place the delay time for popup as per your requirement in the text box.
  • Exclude For Homepage: If you want to exclude the Facebook chat for Homepage then enable this option.
  • Exclude For Specific Posts: In this field enter the specific Post ID to exclude the Facebook chat and if multiple posts then separate them with a comma “,”
  • Exclude For Specific Pages: Enter the specific Page ID to exclude the Facebook chat and if multiple pages then separate them with a comma “,”

Translate Panel

  • If your website is in the Default language, if you want to translate your website to your Default language, then you can use this Section. From this section, you can translate your website to any of your desired languages like below the screenshot.

The Output of the Facebook Chat in AMP

That’s it for this tutorial!

We hope it helped you. If you have any feedback or questions, then please share them in the comments section below.

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Updated on February 19, 2021

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