If you are following our updates, then you may have heard about what we were building for last few months.
If you are a first-time reader of our blog then let me tell you that we were working on a major release of 0.9.80 for last two months, it included many BIG features that we were planning for a while and it’s finally time that we release it to the public!
We even released an open beta last month and the feedback was amazing, we found many bugs which were solved by our team.
I’m extremely happy to announce that we are officially releasing 0.9.80! Let’s go to changelog and see what’s new:
1. AMP Page Builder 3.0
The AMP Page Builder is a lightweight and much stable than ever and works flawlessly!
It was completely re-built in Vue.js framework. It’s much stable and it includes 14 new modules that are handcrafted for mobile but it also looks good for the desktop. The interface was designed to make it easy for you to create the AMP website without touching any code.
It’s got a shiny button called “Pre-Built Layouts” which has got some amazing looking templates to start with.
With this new page builder, you can build any type of AMP enabled webpage!
See the overview of the swift theme with AMP Page Builder.
2. Swift: The New Default Theme
Swift is the new Mobile-first design of AMPforWP which was completely re-designed from scratch with the help of AMP Theme Framework. Mobile first means, it was built for mobile but it looks great on the desktop.
We passionately built Swift with mind, heart, and soul. It looks minimal but it’s got the design options which makes it amazingly extendable.
It’s so good that we decided to make it the default theme for AMPforWP.
3. Child Theme for AMP
You can now create a child theme for any existing designs allowing you to override a single file from the activated theme folder which makes your changes update-proof. There’s a detailed tutorial on how to do it.
4. Make AMP & Non-AMP Same!
We have an amazing new option which will generate the WordPress version of the AMP design which will be viewed on the canonical version of the website.
If you make any change in the AMP version, then it will be also changed into WordPress version automatically making it central design system for both ends which helps you deliver a consistent user experience.
4. AMP Takeover
You can deliver a fully AMP compatible website with this option. It will basically take over the non-amp version and deliver an AMP version to your desktop and mobile users, on WordPress & AMP version. That’s why it was called ‘AMP Takeover’.
5. Logo Resizing made easy
It was a pain to setup the correct logo because you will never know the correct dimensions of the logo but all that pain and time is saved with the help of this option.
You can just resize the logo visually and that’s how it will be looked like in the header.
6. Typography Options
You will now get access to all the Google fonts directly (around 700 of them) which will be loaded in a performance-oriented way that will be best for the loading.
With this new option, you will have a better control over the design.
7. 3 Headers Designs
It’s got 3 different headers that are suitable for many use-cases. You can select the header that you want from the options panel.
- 8. Error while sharing the image on Pinterest #1699
- 9. Homepage support was not working ( when page support is off ) #1695
- 10. Custom Permalinks rewrite issue solved #1689
- 11. Custom post type was appearing two types #1688
- 12. Theia Post Slider plugin incompatibility with post pagination fixed #1677
- 13. Link to the categories in loop of Design 3 #1632
- 14. amphtml was not working when plain permalink selected along with static page as homepage #1614
- 15. AFS Analytics Integration added #1605
- 16. Removed the blank spaces from analytics id field to deliver a good UX. #1599
- 17. ?amp endpoint feature added #1561
- 18. Ability to remove the excerpt and image from related post #1510
- 19. Thumbnails on-the-fly generation added for better control over the design.
Do check this update and let us know if you face any bugs, so that we can fix those quickly and help you improve them.
As always, You keep giving the feedback and we will keep implementing them!
Great job! Is the PWA feature there?
We are working on it, We are hoping to release it this month.
The new version 0.9.80 give me a fatal error on php write at features. Crash the entire site down. Rebuilt from server and go back to the version :/
Hi Osmar,
I am extremely sorry to hear that, can you please contact me on team@magazine3.com with your FTP & WP-admin info? I will fix the issue immediatly and help you solve it for you!
Ty! AMPforWP 0.9.81 run perfectly now 🙂
Since the update to 0.9.80 I am seeing error “Connection not establish” on the posts page.
good gan
My website shut down and it show an error after updating the plug so, I need to deactivate it.
We have already fixed the issue, 0.9.81 will be available in few minutes.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
New update creating fatal error on http://www.ramayaninhindi.com
We have already fixed the issue, 0.9.81 will be available in few minutes.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Ahmed Kaludi hello
I am writing you from turkey. please help me for god’s sake in the amp
Please let me know how can I help you?
Not found in https://www.forux.it
Thank you for fixing the Theia Slider plugin issue, Threw lots of error on Google Webmaster. Been trying to figure out how to fix this for days.
Awesome! Thanks for your hard work! It’s much appreciated by the community.
I’m having critical problem with this update.
It’s converting desktop view to AMP but mobile website still loads same. Sometime it is showing Desktop view in Mobile.
Whenever I click to Non AMP Version , It doesn’t redirct to NON AMP.
facebook comment not work in swift
I have created a ticket for this.
Theia Slider plugin issue fixing is great for me to use.