Accelerated Mobile Pages 0.8 version is released! You can update it from your plugins menu or download the fresh copy from the plugin repo. It will give you a notification to install AMP plugin by Automattic, so just install and activate it. We have made some big changes to the way we want to move forward, keep on reading to know about the change.
Our Accelerated Mobile Pages plugin was separate and was built from the scratch in January 2016. It was the time when AMP was just announced. Being a creative team, we wanted to do something differently, so we decided to build what we had imagined in our heads. Fast forward 9 months to September 2016, we realized that default AMP plugin by Automattic has been adopted and supported well by the community and it has evolved to be a platform and they have done a great job in the technical front.
We didn’t want to go against the community and do all the work again, which the smart developers of AMP plugin have already done. It didn’t make sense for us to move forward with the strategy we created 9 months ago and that there was a need to change.
What Changed?
The Accelerated Mobile Pages plugin now requires AMP plugin to be activated. But you don’t have to do it manually, we have added a way to make this process automatic in the plugin.
From a user’s perspective, nothing really changed. Look and feel, Options panel, your saved options, etc is still the same. So as a user, everything is still the same for you.
From a technical perspective, the plugin was re-written from scratch and is now built on top of default AMP plugin by Automattic but giving you the same features of the original plugin.
What’s New?
1. 99.5% Validation issues were fixed.
The ‘AMP validation issue’ should be an ancient word very soon 🙂
2. Page builder & Shortcodes Compatibility Support Added
This means that Divi, Visual Composer, Cornerstone and many other shortcodes builders that have relied on shortcodes will work to an extent.
3. Conflict with JSON API
Many advanced users have been using JSON API plugin to extend the features of their website, but there was conflict, which now has been resolved.
4. Carousel support for Gallery
The gallery that we add in the WordPress post will automatically convert into the AMP Carousel giving users a better user experience on the mobile.
5. Better Image stretching and resizing
There was some instance of images not resizing properly or getting stretched, which are now resolved.
6. Youtube Video Embed Support
This was one of the most requested feature from the community. The Youtube video will automatically be converted into AMP compatible youtube video.
7. Vine Embed Support
You can embed a Vine into the post and it will be displayed properly to AMP users without any validation issues.
8. Twitter oembed Support
Twitter has this feature where you can embed the Tweets and conversations to the articles, so this update makes it compatible with the AMP.
9. Instagram Embed Support
AMP compatible Instagram images and video support added.
10. Facebook Video Embed Support
Facebook video support has been added. Any Facebook videos will be automatically converted into AMP compatible videos.
11. Better Future Compatibility
This update will allow us to worry less about the basic stuff and focus on what we do the best.
What’s Next?
This update was a big challenge because we had to rewrite the whole plugin from the scratch. Now the next step is to better support for the most popular plugins and themes. And providing more flexibility in the layout and design.
Thank you!
We have received such an amazing support and love from the community! We want to you to know that we really appreciate it!!. We hope that you will continue to show the love and support with this change as well.
Over to You!
Please share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below. We cannot wait to hear your thoughts.
It’s good that you did so much hardwork in creating this plugin but the update has removed the images, ads, and videos, on my website.
IDK why
It wasn’t a problem before
My website is
amp –
Please help
Hey Aashish,
Can you list down the plugins that you are using? It seems like someone is interfering.
I use –
Accelerated Mobile Pages
Advanced Ads
Speed Booster Pack
WP Smush
WP Super Cache
Yoast SEO
I disabled speed booster pack and it worked.
The only problem now is with the favicon.
Everything else is working amazingly well
Thank you for the wonderful updates, but there is still a problem in adding Favicone , please solve them in the next update
Thanks! Will try this out and let you know if it gives me any errors (hopefully not 🙂
Haha.. thanks 🙂 Sure.
I am currently using AMP plugin from Automattic. I am going to install and test it out.
Thanks for this.
That would be great Richard. I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Can’t access Blog Dashboard. Getting this error – Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home3/username/public_html/wp-content/plugins/accelerated-mobile-pages/templates/features.php:320) in /home3/username/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1174
Blog URL:
Hey Ayush,
This will be fixed in a priority update 0.8.1 that we are pushing today.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I have updated the plugin but i am not able to login in my wp-admin error is coming as
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/n3pnexwpnas01_data01/26/3416126/html/wp-content/plugins/accelerated-mobile-pages/templates/features.php:320) in /home/content/n3pnexwpnas01_data01/26/3416126/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1174
please help
domain is
Hey Sandhya,
Thanks for reporting the error. We have released 0.8.1 update today, which should fix this issue.
Please update the plugin to the latest version, and it should fix your issue.
Great plugin, with one major problem for my theme–and I suspect others as well.
If you use a featured image, it does not appear. 🙁 For many of my articles, the featured image is the only image in the article. For example, on the theme I use, this is how the featured image appears at the top of every post:
Otherwise, looking good. Keep up the good work!
Hey @Brem
Thank you so much for using the plugin. The featured image usually displays automatically.
Can you please post the website url? so we can check?
Here’s a demo of where the featured image set in wordpress is not showing up
HI Ahmed,
Thanks for this plugin. It really works.
But I am having few errors in google webmaster which are not going away for 1 week. I thought it may go away after the update.
Please advice if I am doing something wrong with the plugins settings.
The errors are
Issue Pages with issues
1 Prohibited or invalid use of HTML Tag 49
2 AMP markup missing or incorrect 48
3 Syntax error 46
4 User-authored JavaScript found on page 46
5 Invalid CSS stylesheet 46
6 Prohibited HTML Tag with AMP equivalent 45
7 Info: Missing structured data element 26
8 Invalid usage of AMP tags 1
Hey Sandhya,
Can you please click on ‘Prohibited or invalid use of HTML Tag’ and then let me know those exact errors?
Please check the details here
The attribute ‘typeof’ may not appear in tag ‘span’.
The attribute ‘style’ may not appear in tag ‘span’.
The attribute ‘media’ may not appear in tag ‘style amp-custom’.
Invalid URL protocol ‘http:’ for attribute ‘src’ in tag ‘img’.
The attribute ‘rel’ in tag ‘link rel=’ is set to the invalid value ‘dns-prefetch’.
Canonical URL:
Last detected: 9/26/16
Could you please send the login info of the website using Contact form at ?
So I can troubleshoot these validation errors?
Please check
Thank you for a wonderful plugin.
BUT! Please return work tag
I use it to display the unique announcements. And before it worked. But after the update page is duplicated on the announcement.
tag “noteaser”
I didn’t understand the question. You are talking about the WordPress tags? We don’t hide any tags on the site.
It would help me understand if you could elaborate it for me.
 this is the error producing by your plugin and no images in the post
the best amp plugin
im used ^_^
Thank you very much for your feedback.
Very good plugin, I recommended it to my customers.