There were some people reporting issues with false detection by Windows defender, so we had to fix and push this update immediately. The stupid windows defender was reporting an error in a normal javascript code that had nothing to do with what they are reporting, but I guess we have no other option but to replace that code with a fresh code. Either way, it helps us deliver the consistent user experience, which is the ultimate goal.
Let’s quickly see what’s changed:
- Typo in the is_home() function fixed
- Option to hide/show AMP on all custom post types #587
- False detection by Windows defender tool fixed
- Conditional tags were not compatible with Advanced AMP ads which were causing some conflicts but is now fixed.
As always, You keep reporting the bugs and we will keep fixing them
Thanks for the awesome plugin, but please we need the comment to work on the amp pages instead of redirecting to the site
Thank you for using the plugin! Yes, native comments are coming soon
Thank you guys.
You are very cooperative and supporting team. I am very much impressed with your zeal and eagerness to help the users like me. I am not professional developer but just my passion for computers has made me to design my business website myself.
Thank you once again for the hardwork and dedicated efforts for the WP community.
Thanks Darshan! We really appreciate that!
Thanks for such a wonderful plugin! Is there any way to speed up adsense ad loading time?
Thanks Vivian,
Yes, there is a way, it’s called A4A, but that needs to be added from the Advertisers. We still don’t have enough documentation on it. The moment Google and other advertising companies start implementing it, we will be the first ones to implement it on the plugin 🙂
Thank you for using the plugin!
Hi Mohammed, just installed your template – theres probably something I need to fix but I’m getting this error in the menu when I view the amp page
Fatal error: Class ‘AMPforWP_Menu_Walker’ not found in /wp-content/plugins/ampforwp-custom-theme-master/template/header-bar.php on line 53
Any ideas on where I should start looking to try fix this?
Really Amazing Plugin.
Is there any way to increase adsense ad loading time.