I’m so happy to announce the 50th update of the plugin! It’s been a very hard but a productive week. We have been mostly working on fixing the bugs and making the plugins more stable.
Let’s quickly see what’s changed:
- Fixed shortcodes issue in related posts #543
- Iframe Scripts Added properly
- Proper conditions added for the social section of Design 3
- Featured Image issue stretched in Design 2 & 3
- Removed extra global $redux_builder_amp;
- Custom Logo Dimensions option added #479
- Index & NoIndex options added for SEO section. #558
- Added URL for rewrite flushing rules in Options
- Option to enable and disable the Author area in Design 3#577
- Rel Nofollow added in credit link
- debug issue solved: fn_offset not defined
- debug issue solved: global $post not declared
- The word ‘ago’ is now translatable in design 3
- The word ‘read next’ is translatable now
- Tablepress compatibility added #392
- Secure API server is now serving through Google Cloud Manager.
- Thrive Content builder was displaying twice when the Custom AMP content was on. It was a complex issue which has been solved now.
- amp-ad extension.js script was loading if the Ads are not enabled. #598
- Social Share Extension Included on Homepage even if we didn’t have social icons #599
- Installation UX improvement #593
- Removed duplicate global variable
- Proper OG tags added #588
- Proper instructions added for Custom AMP content #471
As always, You keep reporting the bugs and we will keep fixing them
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