We have been working very productively and we were able to do some great improvements into this update.
Let’s have a look at Change log:
- Customizer page builder (Design Manager) was not showing real-time preview, we have fixed this issue properly [Bug fix]
- Attachment page was having the wrong endpoint. [Bug fix]
- Fb:like div has href, showfaces, send and action tag, which was against validation [Validation Improvement]
- A plugin (Spam Protection by CleanTalk, no Captcha Anti-Spam) was forcefully adding script into the AMP version. [3rd party Compatibility]
- Lang attributes were added [Enhancement]
- The tag like was disallowed in the AMP [Validation Improvement]
- We did some more testing with Visual Composer & AMP [3rd party Compatibility]
- AMP on Pages option was not working in some cases. [Bug fix]
- Disable comment button when comments were disabled. This was fixed by @lofesa and was sent as a pull request. Thank you Lofesa!
- g:plusone tag was not getting removed properly. [Validation Improvement]
- Thrive headline optimizer was having issues in AMP version. [Validation Improvement]
- Structured Data Image width issue solved [Enhancement]
- BJ Lazy Load was having issues, we have added a fix which will make this plugin compatible with the AMP. [3rd party Compatibility & Validation Improvement]
- imageanchor=”1″ was getting added by some 3rd party plugin, this was fixed.[Validation Improvement]
We have been able to do a lot of improvements into this update. I’m really happy with this update! Kudos to Mohammed Kaludi, Mohd Khaled and team!
As always, You keep reporting the bugs and we will keep fixing them
Love that you post these important issues! Is it
possible to change blogger coding and my images that are over sized. It’s deactivated but still sending me emails to update it? It’s down til Monday while I try to fix bugs
Great job