We are so happy to announce the AMP Theme Framework which makes it easy for you to create themes on top of AMP.
Now creating themes on AMP is hassle free and easier than ever. If you are familiar with HTML/CSS then you don’t really need to learn anything else, it will take you less than 5 minutes to get started.
This framework requires 0.9.61 or higher of AMPforWP.
We are dedicated to this framework and we will be constantly updating it to make it even more extendable and flexible.
We have the documentation for this theme available already and we will be updating and creating more articles with every new release.
You can check all the code at Github repository, feel free to play around with it.
We also have an online community group for developers on Telegram. You can join us there and discuss all about AMP theming with our team.
Now, go ahead and create your own theme and then share it with us in the below comments!
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