I’m very pleased to announce you that we have just released an update that closes 13 tickets.
Below you can find the information about the issues resolved in this update.
* Improvement: Need to add full short pixel plugin compatibility #3782
* Fixed: Need to improve UI when “Saved” notification displays. #3856
* Fixed: Need to show the Attention message when custom AMP editor box checked but there is no content in it #2866
* Fixed: Issue with AMP page builder tool when images are inserted in slider module. #3780
* Fixed: Hidden posts in AMP should not show in related posts #3839
* Fixed: Make header Unsticky not working when Infinite scrolling is turned on. #3831
* Fixed: The post title appears 2 times: after the parent category and after the child on breadcrumb. #3724
* Fixed: data-block-on-consent missing in GTM code #3911
* Fixed: Debug error #3910
* Fixed: PHP Warnings from redux filesystem #3901
* Fixed: Debug notice #3913
* Fixed: Sidebar Widgets Default CSS should load on Woo commerce Sidebar #3912
* Fixed: Images get streched in new version of the AMP FOR WP Plugin #3914
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