We are very pleased to announce to you that we have just released an update and in that, we have closed 10 tickets, and below are the tickets which we have fixed in this update.
- New: Compatibility with Publytics.net #5477
- Fixed: Add a filter to modify unused CSS #5478
- Fixed: Local Fonts option not working properly. #5506
- Fixed: Autoload is termed as yes in wp_options. #5523
- Fixed: Deprecated error in query monitor #5527
- Fixed: PHP Fatal error appears in AMP #5539
- Fixed: CSS issue with 1.0.91 Version #5540
- Fixed: Invalid Layout Issue in AMP HTML Tag for Missing ‘height’ Attribute. #5542
- Fixed: Getting blank screen on amp pages #5546
- Fixed: Images from Slider revolution plugin not visible in AMP #5548
Please do let us know your feedback and suggestions on how we can improve our AMP Plugin.
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