I’m so happy to announce this update because it’s about my favorite topic, that is design. We have had 2 designs for a while now. It’s time for a fresh new design, so we are including a brand new ‘Design 3’ with this update.
Me & My team has worked hard to deliver this to you. We are planning to make this even better with every update. This new design includes Featured Slider, Search, Social Icons, Expandable Navigation menus, Color Scheme and many new features.
Here is the Youtube video of quick overview, but I would suggest you to install the plugin and experience it yourself.
Let’s look at the Changelog of this release:
- Design 3 was released – Video Overview along with new options and features [Major Feature]
- Ticket #517 – Added Upload field into Redux core [3rd party Compatiblity]
- Ticket#529 Controls for archive titles added [Improvement]
- Ticket #548 Jetpack photon code removed
As always, You keep reporting the bugs and we will keep fixing them
Could you please support the Comment Plugin “Comments – wpDiscuz”? Not working right now in combination with your great plugin. Means, comments on AMP pages are not possible. You can check that on my website where both plugins are installed.
“Schreibe einen Kommentar” (=Write a comment) is redirecting the user to the non AMP Version of the page.
Or is that a problem which have to be used by wpDiscuz? Maybe you have to contact them in that case?
Anyways, thanks! Keep going!
Design 3 is awesome, but what I missed is when I share AMP links on social media, or when someone copies a link from search engines (AMP one) it doesn’t take the OpenGraph tags and Twitter cards. Am I missing something in settings?