Hey Guys,
It makes me very happy to announce a very important update that we were working on for more than a month. This update fixes a lot of things but it has one major feature which is very near to our hearts, that is drag and drop interface for AMP. And We’re looking for beta testers who can help us test the update so that we can squash some bugs before the update goes live.
Note: The download link for beta version is at the bottom of this post
Quick Screenshots to introduce you the Design Manager:
You can change the Designs from the brand new Design Section. To access the page builder, you have to click the link highlighted in the below screenshot.
This is how the AMP page builder looks like. You can drag and drop each element according to your needs and it’s got the color picker to help you pick the color scheme of your brand.
Download 0.8.9 Beta
How to report the issues?
You can report the issues from the Github issues page
We are looking forward to hearing your feedback on this so that we can clean this before releasing it to the public.
Thank you again for using our plugin.
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