Accelerated Mobile Pages 0.7.7 version is released! You can update it from your plugins menu or download the fresh copy from the plugin repo.
Many bugs were fixed and features were added but the highlight of this update is the fixing of almost all the common AMP Validation Errors. Many users were facing this validation problem and this update should fix them.
Here are some more highlights of this update:
Disable AMP support on specific Pages and Posts
You can now turn off AMP support from specific pages by selecting their name, so the AMP won’t be served on those pages or posts. Ideally, these are dynamic pages or the one that are not required for AMP users.
Option to disable the Post meta from the Single
Many users have been asking for an option to hide the Author name, date and the category section from the Single Post.
Footer Credits and Copyright Text Option
You can now change the Footer Credit text and the copyright text with the help of this option.
Social Sharing Bar in Single
You can now disable the whole social sharing bar or just a few social networking icons from the Single post.
Jetpack Social & Related Sharing
Jetpack was automatically adding some non-amp compatible sharing and related posts, which are now stripped properly.
Gaping in footer if the Sticky bar is enabled and Text domain added on few strings
Keep reporting the bugs and we will keep fixing them 🙂
Love and support have been tremendous from the community! Both behalf of our team, we’d like to you Thank you!
I was installed this plugin for my wordpress, but it can’t load image. Error list :
We are working on an update which should be released in couple of weeks, it will fix all kinds of validation errors and it will support all major video platforms including some more big updates.
We will appreciate if you can for some time.
How can we build entire site with AMP? Please guide me I would like to build my site with AMP.
This is we want to achieve with the major future releases.
Awesome support from amp team good work, great.
Thank you very much for the comment, I really appreciate your feedback.