I’m very pleased to announce you that we have just released an update that closes 21 tickets.
Below you can find the information about the issues resolved in this update.
* Fixed: Menu closer icon is getting overlapped by the header part of firefox web browser #3744
* Fixed: Instagram TV videos are not rendering into AMP #3812
* Fixed: Need To move CTA button in header two in the sidebar if the website layout is in mobile view #3669
* Fixed: When the image is added from ThirstyAffiliate image block from Guntenber editor facing validation error #3706
* Fixed: PHP Warning:DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Empty string supplied as input #3745
* Fixed: When Convert AMP to WP theme (Beta) option is enabled Back to Top link functionality is not working #3695
* Fixed: Post date always shows 3 hours ago #3624
* Fixed: Gutenberg Design Bugs #3645
* Fixed: Toolbar AMP link bug #3692
* Fixed: Breadcrumb icommon symbol direction should be changed when RTL is enabled in Swift. #3678
* Fixed: Extra CSS is loading in swift and AMP Layouts #3414
* Fixed: Remove Digg and Google plus option form Social Sharing #3709
* Fixed: When Yoast SEO plugin is activated the same excerpt shows #3708
* Fixed: Allow people to use captions below thumbnails in gallery #3702
* Fixed: Design improvements of D2 #3637
* Fixed: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array (after 98.15) #3867
* Fixed: In amp gallery need to make improvement in arrow #3860
* Fixed: Performance issues in AMP FOR WP #3732
* Fixed: Yoast Separator is converting from Hyphen to Dash #3783
* Fixed: Multiple UX related modifications #3869
* Fixed: strpos() debug error after 19 update #3878
Nice update plugin.