I’m very pleased to announce you that we have just released an update that closes 30 tickets.
That includes lot of bug fixes, code improvements and added full meta support for RankMath Seo Plugin, thanks to a PR from MyThemeShop team.
Below you can find the information about the issues resolved in this update.
- Improvements: Option for H1-H6 Heading Font Sizes for all the designs #3035
- Improvements: New filter to add the classes which have to be excluded in infinity scroll #3297
- Improvements: Additional options for the Rank Math SEO plugin #3314
- Improvements: Purge AMP CDN Cache added in Extension List #3324
- Fixed: After v0.9.97.57 error can’t disable featured image #3272
- Fixed: Amp options panel’s section code improved #3205
- Fixed: Matemo Switch UI issue #3041
- Fixed: Redux options for translating the field #2460
- Fixed: Problem with pagination links in AMP #3313
- Fixed: AMP Page Builder options not working due to Groovy Menu Plugin #3226
- Fixed: Analytics not working due to Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP plugin #3153
- Fixed: Yoast Meta Description not being picked up #3290
- Fixed: ampforwp_new_gallery_images called multiple times resulting Fatal Error #3296
- Fixed: Error message comes after search in post or page in Swift theme #3309
- Fixed: Pages redirect to /amp/amp after last update #3270
- Fixed: Archive and Categoy not working properly with Swift design #3265
- Fixed: Fatal error when remove author meta name and date on AMP posts/articles in design-2 #3260
- Fixed: Lightbox for image does not work when link [anchor tag] attached to images #2695
- Fixed: Webp as featured image is not working in the single posts #2996
- Fixed: Redirection issue when visiting AMP version after clicking Non-AMP link in Header #2940
- Fixed: code imporved in the amp_loop_image #3084
- Fixed: Sidebar breaks the blog page design #3056
- Fixed: In content related posts in Design-3 images are not showing #3109
- Fixed: Close Button is not coming in iphone in swift theme #3107
- Fixed: AMP strings are not translatable #3169
- Fixed: Option Panel’s tooltips code updated #3172
- Fixed: Table style is not loading in AMP Page #3204
- Fixed: H1 tag on Logo in design-swift #3231
- Fixed: Color of button not working properly in design-swift #3216
- Fixed: PHP Debug warning fixed #3128
Please do let us know if you have any question or have any suggestion, we are always here for your help.
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