Galleries are one of the most important elements for a website as a webmaster it gives the ability to express and it engages the website visitor, so that is why we decided to improve and add more designs and functionality to galleries in AMP.
In this update we fixed 12 bugs and added 7 Features one of the feature begin 2 additional designs for the gallery.
So now you can go to options panel and click Single under Design tab. Unfortunately this feature only support Swift design at the moment.
Scroll down and you will see a new section called “WordPress Gallery Content” and select the design gallery of your choice.
Now lets see all the three Galleries in action.
Here is the list of all the other improvements done in this version.
Features Added:
- Added: 3 Types of Gallery designs #1968
- Added: New Section to show ‘changelog’ on Welcome Page #1753
- Added: Allow HTML in footer section of translation panel in design 3 #1950
- Added: Need to make the compatibility with The Voux theme #2263
- Added: Read more button for a post on blog page #2273
- Added: Beta Testing link in the Options panel #2302
- Added: “X” button in the menu of D3 #2294
Bugs Fixed :
- Fixed: Special character “|” breaking the URL in the twitter share #2264
- Fixed: Category Labels are Clickable on Swift Homepage even Archive support is off #2279
- Fixed: Above Loop and Below Loop Sidebar Widget area is not connected with Swift theme #2280
- Fixed: Aq_Resize.process() errors for images hosted on CDN #2285
- Fixed: Convert to WP Option is displayed in Swift Theme, but not in Design 3. #2291
- Fixed: Need to have only one text-domain in the string of the plugin #2292
- Fixed: Bug in Facebook comments. #2300
- Fixed: AMP Take over is applying even on the product when this option is enabled only for posts. #2304
- Fixed: The Option Facebook App ID not necessary in the social icons of AMP panel when using Swift #2384
- Fixed: Embeds not working in Archive Description #2402
- Fixed: Spurious spaces in Footers #2521
- Fixed: Additional spaces Pagination div on article posts #2522
As always please share your feedback and we will improve AMPforWP plugin. Together we will make this plugin more awesome.
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