Today we are very happy and proud to announce that we have pushed out the 100th release of AMPforWP plugin and we are very committed to improving this plugin and add more features and make it more bug-free.
In update we have addressed the following issues.
- Fixed: Quote runs only in block post, not on pages #2399
- Added: Create a Sidebar option that can be used as global Sidebar #2388
- Fixed: words are breaking and not readable #2441
- Fixed: Text is breaking into next line while there is no space between the text in custom AMP Editor #2270
- Fixed: IP Anonymization #2421
- Added: Setka Editor Compatibility #2468
- Fixed: In swift theme, when user ads the ad Above the Related Posts (Single Post); the content doesn’t display #2311 and #2318
- Added: Toggle controls are now accessible #1691
- Added: Global Sidebar is now Connected with AMP Pagebuilder #2371
- Fixed: #amp-user-notification1 Styling was loading even when disabled from options panel in swift #2400
- Fixed: Remove the empty
CSS generated by Pagebuilder #2473 - Fixed: Blank Lines in HTML Source code #2445
- Fixed: Optimize AMP pages on Google Lighthouse #2082
- Fixed: RSS Feed is not working when AMP Takeover is enabled #2309
- Fixed: Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) support added for AMP #551
As always we are here to help you with any query and do us know your feedback so we can make this plugin more awesome.
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