It makes me very happy to announce another big stability update that will increase the stability and improve the performance of AMP.
Let’s quickly have a look at the changelog:
- Design 3 & Design 1 are optimised with 90+ Google PageSpeed Score on Mobile and 95+ in desktop performance #1273
- Featured Image from the content for blog and homepage #1295
- Category Module for AMP Page builder added #888
- Don’t load unused CSS selectors. All the CSS is conditionally loading, to decrease the number of CSS loaded per page and increased in performance #1292
- Twitter Video embed code support added in AMP #1307
- Video Posting Structured data #1293
- Navigation menus are now Schema compatible for better Structured data integration #1229
- Yoast checking conditions for Structured Data Improved #1293
- Added “back to Top” in design 3 #959
- Proper blog check and author for custom frontpage #1260 (Made some changes to check the blog properly and also added the author details for Custom Frontpage)
- AMP not working on password-protected pages #1192
- Debug errors reported by the user #1284 and few more we found internally
- Inline Style Sanitizer for Comments to avoid any validation issues #1193
- Next/Previous links removed from pages #1268 props @Frenchomatic
- WPML Multilingual CMS plugin flags compatibility added #1270
- Image sanitizer added for the Sidebar #1270
- Added AMP Components the correct way. Added amp-gist, amp-social-share. #336
- amp-video script added – Which decreases the non-critical validation issues #991
- Arrows in Design 3 pagination #1000
Author page links in Single #1282
Added previous open state of option panel and show again when search clean #1238
- Odnoklassniki Social Sharing Support for AMP (with target blank for better bounce rate) #1230
GIF or animated images resize problem fixed #1281
- In Design1, Header Background & Link Color have same option #1249
- FB Pixel for AMP added #1231
- Structured Data Type option for AMPed Custom Post types only #1259
Attribute ‘readability in the tag ‘div’ removed – this decreases the validation issues #1306
AMP Theme Framework Improvements: loop, author, related_post, Add Author support #1311
Commentator’s Avatar in the comments section #1132
- Remove ‘Welcome to AMP’ from Dashboard sub-menu and moved to the options area to decrease the annoyance and increase the user happiness #902
- Option to Sort the Random Order of Related Posts to increase the audience engagement (Default is ‘ID’, on enabling the option it will change to ‘rand’) #1250
View AMP on Admin Bar for the respected page/post If enable. #1236
- google maps iframe – link to larger map #1099
- Comments now jumping due to the slash at the end #1309
- Page Builder causes Incompatibility with the Divi theme (We restructured the Text Module for Page builder for better compatibility and UX) #1162
- Inline Style Sanitizer for Comments added. Less Critical Validation issues and Better Presentation #1193
- WPML amp-html error fixed #1285
- Radio button not working for Show View more Button” #1018
- Added registered handle for tinymcePointer localize data #1301
- Date in the Design 2 should not be hidden in mobile version #1315
- Page builder not working on homepage(Selected as front page) #1316
- Instant articles number of posts option #1271 (Removed some unused code as well, it will rendered all posts if none is enter in the options)
Auto flush on save for FBIA to improve the UX.
- Plain Permalinks Support improved. #1318
- Tables support added to FB Instant Articles #1266
Demo link added in the Theme selector option #1248
- Remove invalid attributes from multiple tags which reduces critical validation errors and validates pages.
- AMP makes a problem in archive page label, when it is active in non-amp version #1304
- placeholder-icon.png is 404 fixed #1310
- Category & Tags switches for Single added. #1055
- Copy Content (Custom AMP Editor) Option Not showing with Page Builder of SiteOrigin issue fixed #1280
- Improving UX with: when AMP support is off for a specific post type then all the AMP related metaboxes should be removed #1289
- Options Panel Options rearranged, labels rewritten, descriptions repositioned for better User interaction [commit]
Thanks to each and every single user of the plugin and the AMP & WP Community.
As always, You keep giving the feedback and we will keep implementing them!
Hey…this and the last plugin killed the backend WordPress formatting on our sites. The Dashicons aren’t showing up, and in the post editor, many of the images are missing. Also, it kills the width of the post in the backend. Frontend of the site is still fine.
We are already looking into this as we discussed on the email. We will be ready with a solution soon. It’s kind of a complex issue that’s hard to re-occur at our end, but we are working on it.
Excelente. Muito bom. Uso e recomendo.
Make an option to place one ad inside the content
We already have that with Advanced AMP Ads extension
Still facing the AMP validation issue. 🙁
What issue are you facing?
In Latest Update Header (Make Header UnSticky) option is Not Showing.
We have changed some positioning. Go to Design, then go to Header, it will be there.
Already Installed Version But in Header there are only 4 options. Please check here