Categories: Releases Update Released – [167th update]

I’m very pleased to announce to you that we have just released an update that closes 12 tickets.

Below you can find the information about the issues resolved in this update.

* Improvements: Upgrade the analytics integration with gtag.js #3538
* Improvements: Need to optimize CSS classes #3650
* Fixed: Small-sized images are getting stretched in the lightbox. #3602
* Fixed: Gutenberg Audio Module not working #3597
* Fixed: Table (thead-th) styling issue after update #3661
* Fixed: Issue with the post titles in a single page (two H2 tags if the logo is not inserted) #3641
* Fixed: search results pages are showing up as ‘no index’ #3646
* Fixed: Need to add support of shortcode in category pages #3653
* Fixed: Custom post description migrates to image description #3606
* Fixed: AMP for WP conflict with the CDN Enabler plugin #3631
* Fixed: Warning in Error Log #3655
* Fixed: Incorrect placeholder “Select the SEO Plugin” in drop-down in AMP option Panel #3663


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