Categories: Releases

0.9.60 Released – Improved Redirection [66th Update]

Hey There, we are happy to announce 0.9.60 update of the plugin. Originally it was planned as a big update but then we decided to divide the milestone into three updates.

Over the last week, we have made some many updates and also announced the release of AMP WooCommerce Pro.

Let’s have a look at the Change log:

  1. Class added to ‘View non-amp’ anchor tag
  2. Params added properly to get rid of a warning #1077
  3. rel=”attachment noopener” generating validation errors #1090
  4. Breadcrumbs Support Added #701
  5. Enable / Disable button added for Navigation Menu #735
  6. Move the ad code for Instant Article down after the article #964
  7. Add analytics code of FB instant articles properly #1096
  8. datetime Tag not stripping properly #1043
  9. Mobile redirection on custom post types #1028 #1052
  10. Mobile Redirection causing extra redirect #879 #933
  11. Proper mobile redirection on Homepage #1052
  12. View non-amp on blog will redirect to blog
  13. Blog will redirect to blog irrespective of AMP Homepage option #871
  14. Don’t redirect if archive support is disabled #1052
  15. non-amp category pages should redirect to non-amp pages if turned off from Hide AMP #999
  16. Disable amp for forum plugin (wpforo) #592
  17. amphtml: url makes 301 redirection #1092

As always, You keep giving the feedback and we will keep implementing them 

Ahmed Kaludi

I'm one of the Lead developers on this project. Know more about me at

Published by
Ahmed Kaludi